
Showing posts from November, 2020

Digital World Market Worldwide. We will open a"Webpage" ie "Online Shop" for your business inside Digital World Market platform. You will get a "Voice Jingle & Video" coverage for your business Advert (Radio, Facebook/Instagram). Then the photo samples of your goods and the video for your business shop will be uploaded inside Youtube for multiple viewers across the nation/beyond through "Digital World Market" platform. All these for only N10,000.00 this month of April, May & June. We promote "Digital World Market" platform & you can use your Online Shop/Webpage to reach out to people/customers worldwide. To develop a "Website" including "Online Shop/Webpage" is only N50,000.00. But to run a special Advert/Promotion for your business Online Shop/Webpage for a period of two weeks both in Radio/Facebook/Instagram/Youtube is N100,000.00 but to run it for one month is N200,000.00. DIGITAL WORLD MARKET (Next Generation Business Platform).

 The level of success you desire in life is determined by the changes and decisions you take today.  Change is constant. Be proactive and respond to the changing world. The world we live in is going digital with such speed that if you don't join the movement now, you will be left behind.  Take the most important proactive decision today and grab "Digital World Market" to expand/attract more customers to your business/service worldwide. The success, riches, wealth and your desired future totally depends on the volume of customers/clients you are able to connect to your business or to whatever you do.  The difference between success and failure is that the success has a lot of customers/clents and selling more, therefore making a lot of profits and the failure doesn't have a lot of customers to sell to so do not make more profits.  "Digital World Market" opens the door for a greater number of people to know about your business/service. When the banking industr